Bend Pins on Switches


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

We receive the switches in packs of 1000 directly from production. There they are packed by machine. We have no influence on the condition of each individual switch. Unfortunately, it is not possible to check the pins of every switch we sell for logistical reasons.

In general, bend pins are normal and can occur with every manufacturer and every type of switch. The only exceptions are when switches are packaged by the manufacturer in small quantities and are individually wrapped in foam (such as Tecsee Metal Switches).

In 99.9% of cases, the pins can be put back into the correct shape without any problems and do not represent a defect.

Before using them in a hot-swap, you should generally check whether the pins are straight, as even slightly bend pins can be completely bend during installation or, in the worst case, tear out the hot-swap socket.

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